Sunday, June 8, 2008

Valerie NOT at Home

On Saturday the news from Texas was not promising, so by evening I had boarded a plane headed back. Granny's condition had quickly deteriorated and it was simply time to go see her. As of today, she is doing a tiny bit better, but we have been warned to not talk to her or touch her as it gets her agitated and her heart rate is still too high. It's been good to just be able to be here for and with my family.

I am very grateful that Mr. at Home quickly told me to go and willingly took on the girls and their activities for the week. Of course, the first day is the very busiest with lots to do and lots of details to think of and remember. Today there are 2 swim parties and a sleep-over with all the towels, swimsuits, sunscreen, floaties, toys, snacks, overnight bags, etc. If you have a minute or two this week, please say a few prayers for Daddy's sanity.

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