Saturday, June 28, 2008

Keep moving forward

Does anyone else out there live their life from one event to the next?

This month has been so busy with big things all over the calendar. K's softball tournament, church picnic, last-minute trip to Texas, She Speaks, L's first dance recital, family visiting here, getting the girls off with family, birthday party, baby shower. I've been surviving by focusing on only the next thing because the sheer magnitude of everything was overwhelming.

The biggest event, a mother/daughter tea baby shower I coordinated and hosted, was today. It turned out beautifully, but I'm so glad it's over and not hanging over my head. I was constantly worried about the food, how many people would actually come, and "shouldn't I be doing something to get ready?" all the time.

I gave myself the rest of the day off. Well, actually, a severe allergic reaction and lots of Benadryl pretty much mandated the rest of the day off. I was relaxing and trying not to think about everything that needs to be done this week. However, the girls called and the first thing each of them asked is how was the work going on redecorating their rooms.

I just can't catch a break.

Tomorrow it's back to my project to clean(out) L's room and change a few things so it looks redecorated. Then I've got to dig out the camping gear and make sure it's all in working order before we head to Texas on Friday. Somewhere in there I need to coordinate with my lead teacher for China Camp and help her with lessons and make sure they even received the girls' applications for camp. Then there's the writing stuff I want to/need to work on and the school decisions that have to made about the upcoming school year.

Wait, tomorrow's Sunday and I do truly need a Sabbath.

All that stuff can wait for Monday.

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