Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Organizing *Stuff*

A few days ago I started cleaning out our little office area, which when I say little, I mean *little*. There's a desk and two shelves above it and it holds all of our computer equipment, homeschool supplies, scrapbooking supplies, mailing supplies, file cabinet, etc. And all that means that the place has a tendency to gets *messy*.

I straightened up the shelves, but after a few minutes of working on the desk, I gave up in despair. Last night, Mr. at Home got ambitious and cleaned up most of his stuff, but he didn't have a clue what to do with all mine. I looked at it this morning and was struck with the same sense of despair. Every inch was filled and I still had more stuff scattered around the house that needed to be put back here. Then an idea struck and we made a little trip to my favorite Target after dance class. What do you know, the very shelving system I wanted is *on sale*! Woohoo! I ended up having to go to another Target to get the shelves I wanted since the first one was out of the biggest size (they were all the same price, so why wouldn't I get the biggest?).

So we put the new shelves together and organized all of the girls art supplies and some of their school stuff into the various baskets and shelves. That left plenty of room in the office area for everything else to be neatly arranged on the shelves. Yep, Mr. at Home will be one happy man when he comes home and sees that he has room on the desk to move his mouse and room under the desk to put his feet. And the girls think I'm Supermom because they can actually reach their art stuff!

So if your art and school supplies are overflowing, this whole shelving system, including the colored bins is ON SALE at Target right this minute. For more Works for Me Wednesday posts, visit Rocks in My Dryer.


Anonymous said...

I so want these!! Might be doing a Target run tomorrow, myself!

Mamabug said...

Did the cubes come with it? I need to organize our stuff but I don't know that I have the wall space for that.

Anonymous said...

I went and bought mine today - they are great for organizing all that school stuff. Glad you posted about them being on sale. I am going back for one more basket.

thediaperdiaries said...

Do you know what exactly these are. I am trying to find them online and am having no luck. I have a Target gift certificate that is burning a hole in my pocket.